Terry Deal (1939-2024)
I learned from Terry Deal’s wife Sandy that he died of an apparent heart attack early on the morning of June 4, 2024. I’ve lost a best friend. Terry grew up in Laverne, California, attended Laverne College (now Laverne University), and worked for a while as a police officer in his home town before getting […]
Amazon: Antitrust on the horizon?
Does Amazon do more harm than good? Or vice-versa? The question is heavily debated in many circles, including among people who write and publish books. On the one hand, they need Amazon because of its dominant role in the book market. Many self-published authors get most or all of their sales through e-books sold on […]
All About Reframing in a Podcast
I had a delightful conversation about the frames in Jack Nestell’s ERG Organizational Change podcast. Jack knows Reframing Organizations well and expertly guided me through the ideas in the book. The result is available as Episode 55: Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership at https://nestellassociates.com/podcast-home/ . Some teasers are in the links below:
[…]Pandemic and online teaching
What happened when the pandemic forced everyone online last year? At UC-Irvine, students spent more time studying and, on average, got better grades After Spring 2020, when everyone was forced online with no notice, many faculty got training for online teaching, which led them to use more best practices associated with student learning: less lecturing, […]

Rachel and Reframing
When Andrea Young, lawyer, civil rights activist, and director of the ACLU’s Georgia affiliate, was interviewed about voting rights on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, a copy of the 5th edition of Reframing Organizations could be spotted in the bookcase behind her. We may have been the only viewers who noticed, and we’re pretty sure this […]
Website Overhaul
After a major overhaul, I’m hoping that the website is both livelier and easier to navigate. Feedback is welcome, and I’d appreciate hearing about any broken links or other difficulties that you run into. Email me at: lee@bolman.com.