A selection of published articles on using reframing concepts in teaching
Bowen, D. D. 1998. Team Frames: The Multiple Realities of the Team. Journal of Management Education, 22(1), 95-103. https://doi.org/10.1177/105256299802200108
Cannon, M.D., 2017. The power and challenge of facilitating reframing: Applications in teaching negotiation. Management Teaching Review, 2(3), pp.179-192. The Power and Challenge of Facilitating Reframing: Applications in Teaching Negotiation – Mark D. Cannon, 2017 (sagepub.com)
Eichenholtz, S., Sosin, A.A., Peper-Sanello, M., Marcellino, P.A., Uttendorfer, M. and Burton, D., 2008, March. Initiating, Reframing, and Investigating Blended and Online Courses: Models for Effective Instructional Practice. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 360-363). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Initiating, Reframing, and Investigating Blended and Online Courses: Models for Effective Instructional Practice – Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)
Gallos, J.V., 1992. Revisiting the same case: An exercise in reframing. Journal of Management Education, 16(2), pp.257-261. Revisiting the Same Case: An Exercise in Reframing – Joan V. Gallos, 1992 (sagepub.com)
Gallos, J.V., 1993. Teaching about reframing with films and videos. Journal of Management Education, 17(1), pp.127-132. Teaching about Reframing with Films and Videos – Joan V. Gallos, 1993 (sagepub.com)
Katz, N.H., Enhancing Conflict Consulting Practice: Multiple Frames, Spirit, and Reflection-in-Action.
Moniz, R.J., Using an Integrated Approach to Case Studies In Order to Enhance Critical Thinking. viewcontent-with-cover-page-v2.pdf (d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net)
White, S. and Sheehan, G., 2016. The impact of reframing on decision making: An exercise in community development. Management Teaching Review, 1(3), pp.176-185.